Butterfly Stalker

Mike Soukup mikayak at mdo.net
Wed Aug 8 14:40:36 EDT 2001

A long time ago, while in Florida, some resident called the cops because
she said myself and my friend Stan were peeping in her windows.  In
reality, we were catching anoles and were oblivious to anybody or anything

Also, 3 times (again - twice in Florida) in the past 20 years, I have come
around the corner of a building where I was collecting moths to find cops,
guns drawn, ordering me to lay down.  Fortunately, they haven't shot me

D Marven wrote:

> Hi Leps
>        This article was taken from the Oak Bay Star here on Vancouver
> Island
> "Butterflies usually live outside"
> Oak Bay police responded to a strange call July 23 when they received a
> report of a man peering into the window of a house on Burdick Avenue.
> When the man was confronted, he claimed to be from the "Butterfly
> Society". The male had left the area by the time police arrived at the
> residence.
> Just wondered was anybody doing some collecting on the Island recently.
> Maybe trying to add to there West Coast Lady collection !!!!!!!
> Derrick
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