Butterfly Stalker

Bill Cornelius billcor at mail.mcn.org
Wed Aug 8 20:17:11 EDT 2001

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I think we got a bad rep. from that movie "The Collector". I'm making a
video on raising butterflies for grade schools & I've pretty much given
up on using kids for hosts because one kids mom said I'm recruiting for
kiddy- porn. I met her in a fast food place (she didn't answer my
emails) & asked her why the problem, she backed out the door screaming
"You stay away from my beautiful daughter!!" Cripes, idiocy is rampant.
Anyhow, I'm now trying to host it myself & I hope kids will rather
listen to a middle aged bald guy w/ mustache than their peers. (right) I
wish it were funnier.

Mike Soukup wrote:

> A long time ago, while in Florida, some resident called the cops
> because she said myself and my friend Stan were peeping in her
> windows.  In reality, we were catching anoles and were oblivious to
> anybody or anything else!!
> Also, 3 times (again - twice in Florida) in the past 20 years, I have
> come around the corner of a building where I was collecting moths to
> find cops, guns drawn, ordering me to lay down.  Fortunately, they
> haven't shot me yet.......
> D Marven wrote:
>> Hi Leps
>>        This article was taken from the Oak Bay Star here on
>> Vancouver
>> Island
>> "Butterflies usually live outside"
>> Oak Bay police responded to a strange call July 23 when they
>> received a
>> report of a man peering into the window of a house on Burdick
>> Avenue.
>> When the man was confronted, he claimed to be from the "Butterfly
>> Society". The male had left the area by the time police arrived at
>> the
>> residence.
>> Just wondered was anybody doing some collecting on the Island
>> recently.
>> Maybe trying to add to there West Coast Lady collection !!!!!!!
>> Derrick
>>  ------------------------------------------------------------
>>    For subscription and related information about LEPS-L visit:
>>    http://www.peabody.yale.edu/other/lepsl

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I think we got a bad rep. from that movie "The Collector". I'm making a
video on raising butterflies for grade schools &amp; I've pretty much given
up on using kids for hosts because one kids mom said I'm recruiting for
kiddy- porn. I met her in a fast food place (she didn't answer my emails)
&amp; asked her why the problem, she backed out the door screaming "You
stay away from my beautiful daughter!!" Cripes, idiocy is rampant. Anyhow,
I'm now trying to host it myself &amp; I hope kids will rather listen to
a middle aged bald guy w/ mustache than their peers. (right) I wish it
were funnier.
<p>Mike Soukup wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>A long time ago, while in Florida, some resident
called the cops because she said myself and my friend Stan were peeping
in her windows.&nbsp; In reality, we were catching anoles and were oblivious
to anybody or anything else!!
<p>Also, 3 times (again - twice in Florida) in the past 20 years, I have
come around the corner of a building where I was collecting moths to find
cops, guns drawn, ordering me to lay down.&nbsp; Fortunately, they haven't
shot me <b>yet.......</b>
<p>D Marven wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Hi Leps
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This article was taken from the
Oak Bay Star here on Vancouver
<p>"Butterflies usually live outside"
<br>Oak Bay police responded to a strange call July 23 when they received
<br>report of a man peering into the window of a house on Burdick Avenue.
<br>When the man was confronted, he claimed to be from the "Butterfly
<br>Society". The male had left the area by the time police arrived at
<p>Just wondered was anybody doing some collecting on the Island recently.
<br>Maybe trying to add to there West Coast Lady collection !!!!!!!
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; For subscription and related information about LEPS-L visit:
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="http://www.peabody.yale.edu/other/lepsl">http://www.peabody.yale.edu/other/lepsl</a>



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