JPEG of pink inchworm

Anne Kilmer viceroy at
Thu Aug 9 01:52:21 EDT 2001

Liz Day wrote:
> This is a photo of the beautiful pink inchworm, Eupethicia miserulata,
> taken by Dave Green on the flower head of a purple coneflower here in
> Indianapolis.   I often see them on flowers and believe they eat the
> pollen.  They are not always pink; some are white with pink markings (photo
> on request), green with white markings, greenish brown, or a mix of warm
> browns with reddish-brown or pink or brown markings.   The adult is a small
> gunmetal-grey moth that is very common.
> Enjoy....
> Liz
Probably tastes of peppermint, too. 
I saw a commercial lately and thought of y'all. This green inchworm goes
looping across the screen, withdraws modestly into a changing room, and
emerges as a beeeautiful butterfly. Wow. 
Why should they check their facts when they already know everything? ;-)

(Makes me think of that poor guy who wrote The Very Hungry Caterpillar
and is still getting hate mail from second graders.)
Still no Peacocks.
It is a clear sunny morning, because why bother raining when nobody is
up to enjoy it. Around 10 am, when the locals arise ... that's the time
to rain.
nice picture
Anne Kilmer
Mayo, Ireland


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