Need Help - Food plants

Liz Day beebuzz at
Fri Aug 17 01:43:31 EDT 2001

 >I would like to know wich is the best host plant(s) for Eacles imperialis
 >imperialis. Which plants they prefer ? I heard about Pinus strobus ?? Pinus
 >sylvestris ? Juglans cinerea ?

I have always forced mine to eat sweetgum (Liquidambar).  And they 
do.   They seem to grow well on it.   In fact I am given to understand that 
many saturniids will eat it.   Tuskes et al. also mention maple, oak, and 
sassafras.   I would avoid pine and walnut as they are supposed to dry out 
quickly when cut.


Liz Day
Indianapolis, Indiana, central USA  (40 N, ~86 W)
Home of budgerigar Tweeter and the beautiful pink inchworm (Eupithecia 
USDA zone 5b.  Winters ~20F, summers ~85F.  Formerly temperate deciduous 
daylight at


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