Celastrina idella paper ON LINE

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Fri Aug 24 16:52:58 EDT 2001

Harry Pavaulaan just informed me that the Washington Area Butterfly Club
just put the TTR 1:9 issue on line. This paper was authored by David Wright
and Pavulaan and not only gives the original description of Celastrina
idella but shows microscopic pictures of the scale characters which set
ladon and neglecta apart as species. The URL is
http://www.vais.net/~jmfarron/index.htm  click on the "What's New" tab -
Also read their note on this - you will find it interesting too.

If you want to contact Harry dirrectly about this his email is:
pavulaan at tils-ttr.org



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