Mexico & Transgenics
MexicoDoug at
MexicoDoug at
Tue Aug 28 22:05:44 EDT 2001
The following article covered an interview with the Secretary of Agriculture
of Mexico by the country's largest newspaper. As it has long been a
discussion topic on the list, I am passing it along...
Doug Dawn
Monterrey, Mexico
(second sendind as the first seemed to be truncated)
The Secretary of Agriculture is against oposing producers; he condemns
environmental group criticisms.
Cecilia Gonzalez (El Norte / Mexico D.F.)
MEXICO - President Fox's government supports the transgenic production of
foods because securing food supply of Mexico depends on it, announced Victor
Manuel Villalobos, Mexican Subsecretary of Agriculture.
The official anticipates protests and accused "environmental terrorists" who,
lead by Greenpeace, are against the genetic modification of foods.
"If those who claim to be environmentalists were really true
environmentalists, they would be asking almost as a favor that transgenics be
employed, but the resistance is due not to environmental motivation but
rather economic implications."
"These organizations which protest live by selling ecological terrorism and
then, agter they are through with tuna and whales, they crusade against
transgenics." he stated.
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