The not-so-deadly West Nile Virus

Mark Walker MWalker at
Thu Aug 30 03:13:59 EDT 2001

Michael wrote:
> Mark, I'm not clear on your point.  From a public health 
> point of view you can't
> prevent people from dying. If that were the case I wouldn't 
> let you travel
> around in that car of yours (much higher risk than dying from 
> West Nile or
> butterfly bites). Even if you wear your seat belt all the 
> time (even in bed) and
> drive at the speed limit, you still have a greater risk of 
> dying in an auto
> accident than from mosquito-borne diseases.

Yes, but isn't this the same argument that Paul is making?  "The likelihood
of a butterfly dying on the front of your car is much higher than it dying
from (genetically modified corn, Malathion, ...)".  I guess my only point is
that the arguments from both sides are profoundly similar.  On the other
hand, am I required to have a point here?  If so, I've probably been
violating the rules for a long time!

> \
> Besides with all that driving you must be fatigued and at 
> even greater risk.  Do
> you want to hear what public health professionals propose as 
> acceptable work
> schedules for long distance drivers  (you wouldn't reach all those
> butterfly-rich venues in your limited amounts of time).

I'm afraid there's no question about it - I pose a greater risk to both the
average person and butterfly than all of the insecticides or virus-bearing
bugs combined.  I'd hate to think what the authorities might consider doing
to mitigate that risk!  Let's just keep it our little secret, shall we?

> You also have a greater risk of dying from MANY MANY other 
> preventable diseases,
> that don't capture media attention the way West Nile did.

Yes Michael, but once again - this argument sounds frighteningly similar,
does it not?  Geez, I think I've been basing much of my pro-collecting
argument on similar logic for years.

Anyway, one could argue that this double-standard is even more flawed
because it tends to place a lesser value on human life.




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