Mark's point
Ron Gatrelle
gatrelle at
Thu Aug 30 02:58:24 EDT 2001
M. Gochfeld wrote:
Balancing risks is important.
M. Walker wrote:
It really is kind of funny how both sides of this argument seem to speak
out of both sides of their mouths. I can just imagine how badly Mr. Paul
would have been slaughtered on this list if he had said something like,
"Contrary to the 1999 news media in New York and the 2001 news media in
Florida, West Nile is NOT a particularly deadly virus. And compared with
many other public health problems it is a NEGLIGIBLE cause of mortality.",
if it had been referring to NEGLIGIBLE insect mortality (which is precisely
what Paul has been basically saying for at least five years now). In fact,
the similarities between this statement and Paul's usual post are striking.
Surely everyone else can see that.
P. Cherubini forwarded this quote:
``It's a negligible risk at best. They [Monarchs] must consume considerable
amounts of pollen to show an effect, and that amount of pollen rarely
exists in nature,'' said Mark K. Sears, chairman of the Department of
Environmental Biology at the University of Guelph in Canada.
M. Gochfeld wrote:
West Nile is NOT a particularly deadly virus. And compared with
many other public health problems it is a NEGLIGIBLE cause
of mortality.
He also wrote:
West Nile is interesting and exciting to those of us in public health...
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