European Maculinea research network
David Nash
DRNash at
Tue Dec 4 11:47:21 EST 2001
"MacMan" (MACulinea Butterflies of the Habitats Directive and
European Red List as Indicators and Tools for Habitat Conservation
and MANagement) is a European Research Network that has recently been
funded by the European Union.
The network now has its first vacancies, for a scientific coordinator
and a PhD student at the UFZ, Leipzig-Halle in Germany. Closing date
for applications is 7 December, so apologies for the short notice.
Further information about "MacMan" and these vacancies are available
from the MacMan web site:
There will be several further vacancies and PhD and postdoctoral
level advertised on this site in the coming months, and I shall also
try to post fuher information about them to the Lepidoptera List.
David Nash
---------------------------------David Nash--------------------------------
Dept. of Population Ecology, Zoological Institute, University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen East, Denmark
Tel: (+45) 353 21328; Fax: +45 353 21250; e-mail: DRNash at
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