Photos needed

butrfly at butrfly at
Tue Dec 11 13:13:03 EST 2001

If anyone is interested in submitting photos to be included in an
educational book please e-mail me privately or you can contact 
Dietrich Gehring duvel at directly at Workman Publishing. 
Photos are needed for the following butterflies for which you will 
be compensated.

Zerynthia rumina - Spanish Festoon 
Sasakia  charonda - Japanese Emperor
Terinos terpander - Royal Assyrian 
Tithorea taracina –Taracina
Amathuxidia amythaon -Koh-I-Noor 
Anteos chlorinde - Ghost Brimstone 
Appias lyncida - Chocolate Albatross
Papilio antimachus - African Giant Swallowtail 
Parides coon - Common Clubtail 



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