Lost friends

Dr S Abadjiev abadjiev at mac.com
Tue Dec 25 09:27:56 EST 2001

L O S T   F R I E N D S

Dear all,
I need any recent e-mail address of:

Robert (Bob) J Hardbarger (3 years ago at Valrico, Florida, USA).
Paul A Opler (USA)
Emilio Balletto (ITALY)
Tom W. Tolman (UK)
Satoshi Koiwaya (JAPAN)
Mayumi Takahashi (JAPAN)
Osamu Yata (JAPAN).

If someone knows something about the above mentioned people, please
write to my e-mail address: abadjiev at mac.com.

With many thanks and best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2002.
Yours, Stanislav

Dr Stanislav P Abadjiev FRES
Associate Professor

Institute of Zoology
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd
Sofia 1000

e-mail: abadjiev at mac.com
URL: http://www.bulinfo.net/abadjiev


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