Just a little editorial

James J Kruse fnjjk1 at aurora.uaf.edu
Thu Feb 1 20:49:45 EST 2001

On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, Ron Gatrelle wrote:

> When one says, "we don't want subspecific names," they ARE saying they want
> to hear certain voices no more. (Blacks did not count as persons as long as

Now I've heard it all. I'm a racist according to you?? You are OUTRAGEOUS!
This is likely to be my last post on this matter since Ron Gatrelle is
incapable of intelligent debate.

(snip, more melodramatic B.S. and advertising)
> A cry for help is a 911 call. But without a specific individual address
> (taxonomic ID) the help will never arrive.

I've already shown that Ron's crusade as stated above is a war against a
straw man based on the wording of the Endangered Species Act.

> (Monetary donations will not be refused.)

How special.

James J. Kruse, Ph.D.
Curator of Entomology
University of Alaska Museum
907 Yukon Drive, PO Box 756960
Fairbanks, AK  99775-6960
Phone: 907.474.5579
Fax: 907.474.1987/5469


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