Just a little editorial

Woody Woods woody.woods at umb.edu
Thu Feb 1 20:38:28 EST 2001

On the exchange quoted below--

I remember a conversation between colleagues where someone became upset and
said "You're calling me an idiot!" and the other, a little more mildly, but
not much, said "I didn't call you an idiot, I asked you not to be one!"

At its raucous best, leps-l provides some heat with the light-- just enough to
keep you warm and be reminded that non-peer-reviewed communication is some of
the most valuable.

Hot water sometimes provides a good bath, but boiling water doesn't! 



James J Kruse wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, Ron Gatrelle wrote:
> > When one says, "we don't want subspecific names," they ARE saying they want
> > to hear certain voices no more. (Blacks did not count as persons as long as
> Now I've heard it all. I'm a racist according to you?? You are OUTRAGEOUS!
> This is likely to be my last post on this matter since Ron Gatrelle is
> incapable of intelligent debate.
William A. Woods Jr.
Department of Biology
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd                      Lab: 617-287-6642
Boston, MA 02125                        Fax: 617-287-6650


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