pink tights

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at
Fri Feb 2 16:02:03 EST 2001

Absolutely. If one is a single male heterosexual lepidopterist pink tights
are a must. It does not help in catching leps,  but women find it very
sensitive and sexually stimulating. Once I got married I had to put my
pinkies into retirement. My Son never followed in dad's steps - so they
were never handed down (up) to the next generation. Sadly I have always
felt that my son's failure to become a lepster (and thus dawn the pinkies)
is why at 30 he is still single.

Oh, well, such is life. On the bright side, my oldest daughter (33) put on
her mothers high heals and caught a hard working man she could totally
dominate. Little Katie (age 12) has real potential (as long as I can keep
her away from her mother who was raised in Duarte (Los Angeles) and has
never been outdoors farther than the distance from the car to the mall
door.)  The wife screams at everything that moves. Katie even likes worms.
I hope she never finds mom's high heals.

Ronnie The Pink

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX" <Norbert.Kondla at>
To: "'Ron Gatrelle'" <gatrelle at>
Cc: "'lepsl'" <leps-l at>
Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 3:20 PM
Subject: RE: no names - just protection

 --- gotta get me some of those pink tights; I have foolishly been wearing
 green ones to match the color of my net bag :-))

 -----Original Message-----
Now these law enforcement officers are being asked to take on thugs in
pink tights and wielding butterfly nets.


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