Fw: Swallowtail photos

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Mon Feb 5 21:04:36 EST 2001

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ron Gatrelle 
To: Leps-l 
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 8:30 PM
Subject: Swallowtail photos 

I realized today that while we had put the photos of Pterourous troilus fakahatcheensis up on the www.tils-ttr.org web site long ago, we had never put up the photos of the neotypes of troilus troilus and troilus form ilioneus. So I contacted the web master and he said he could get them up tonight. 

Of course as some of you know the web master is my son-in-law, Joe. His wife, sometimes known as The Warden  (my daughter) is out of town on a business trip so all he has to do tonight is take care of the kids and play on line video war games (he is a CBGB http://www.CBGBclan.unrealcenter.com ) So these may be up by midnight eastern US time unless they get caught in the cross fire. 

Msacras Evoli 
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