Hypochrysops mioswara vs. Waigeum mioswara

Markku Savela msa at moth.tkv.asdf.org
Tue Feb 6 18:09:03 EST 2001

In working with my foolish project of trying to get all of worlds
butterfly taxons listed on my web pages, I ran into a problem while
going through

 D'Abrera, Butterflies of the Australian Region (2nd ed.) 1976

On page 322, there is "Waigeum mioswara, Bethune-Baker, 1913
(Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) 11: 566".

On page 330, there is "Hypochrysops mioswara, Bethune-Baker, 1913
(Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8) 11: 568".

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