Subspecies and protection

Kenelm Philip fnkwp at
Thu Feb 8 21:13:45 EST 2001

> What advantage(s) is there to listing subspecies seperately rather than
> just listing the species as a whole?

One major advantage is the fact that the other subspecies within that
species may be in fine shape and not require listing. _Euphydryas editha_
has 20 (or 26 after the 'Systematics of Western North American Butterflies'
added its 200+ subspecies to the butterfly fauna) other subspecies. Listing
a species implies that the species as a whole is threatened or endangered.
Listing a subspecies implies only that _that_ subspecies is in trouble,
and says nothing about the rest of the species--which in some cases may
be the way to go.

							Ken Philip
fnkwp at


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