Yukon collecting license

Kenelm Philip fnkwp at aurora.alaska.edu
Sat Feb 10 02:11:39 EST 2001

	Recently I received a note from Mark O'Donoghue, the regional
biologist at Mayo, Yukon Territory. He has consulted with Jeff Hunston,
Heritage Branch, Yukon Dept, of Tourism--and they have produced the
paragraph below, describing the Yukon Scientists and Explorers Act,
who needs to apply for it, and what the requirements are. Mark asked
me to post this to Leps-L.

The Yukon's Scientists and Explorers Act requires that all people who enter
the Yukon for scientific or exploration purposes must obtain a license to
do so.  This requirement applies to all collectors of butterflies, whether
their motivation for collecting is scientific or commercial, as the
specimens collected have scientific value.  All holders of these licences
are required to report the locations and numbers of any specimens collected.
Collectors should contact Mr. Jeff Hunston, Director, Heritage (L-1), Dept.
of Tourism, Government of the Yukon, Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon  Y1A 2C6.
Applications are also available on the Internet at
<http://yukonheritage.yukon.net>.  The license applications need to go
through a public review process, so they should be submitted at least 3
months prior to the planned collecting.

Mark O'Donoghue
Northern Tutchone Regional Biologist
Dept. of Renewable Resources
Fish and Wildlife Branch
P. O. Box 310, Mayo, Yukon  Y0B 1M0
Phone:  (867)996-2162      FAX:  (867)996-2830
E-Mail:  mark.odonoghue at gov.yk.ca

If anyone has problems with this, they should contact Jeff Hunston.

							Ken Philip
fnkwp at uaf.edu


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