Yukon collecting license

Stanley A. Gorodenski stanlep at extremezone.com
Sat Feb 10 22:11:07 EST 2001

I cannot imagine this occurring in the Yukon Territory, an area so wild,
huge, and so sparsely populated.  What sparked this?  Do I have the
wrong perception of the Yukon Territory?


Kenelm Philip wrote:
>         Recently I received a note from Mark O'Donoghue, the regional
> biologist at Mayo, Yukon Territory. He has consulted with Jeff Hunston,
> Heritage Branch, Yukon Dept, of Tourism--and they have produced the
> paragraph below, describing the Yukon Scientists and Explorers Act,
> who needs to apply for it, and what the requirements are. Mark asked
> me to post this to Leps-L.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Yukon's Scientists and Explorers Act requires that all people who enter
> the Yukon for scientific or exploration purposes must obtain a license to
> do so.  This requirement applies to all collectors of butterflies, whether
> their motivation for collecting is scientific or commercial, as the
> specimens collected have scientific value.  All holders of these licences
> are required to report the locations and numbers of any specimens collected.
> Collectors should contact Mr. Jeff Hunston, Director, Heritage (L-1), Dept.
> of Tourism, Government of the Yukon, Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon  Y1A 2C6.
> Applications are also available on the Internet at
> <http://yukonheritage.yukon.net>.  The license applications need to go
> through a public review process, so they should be submitted at least 3
> months prior to the planned collecting.
> Mark O'Donoghue
> Northern Tutchone Regional Biologist
> Dept. of Renewable Resources
> Fish and Wildlife Branch
> P. O. Box 310, Mayo, Yukon  Y0B 1M0
> Canada
> Phone:  (867)996-2162      FAX:  (867)996-2830
> E-Mail:  mark.odonoghue at gov.yk.ca
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> If anyone has problems with this, they should contact Jeff Hunston.
>                                                         Ken Philip
> fnkwp at uaf.edu
>  ------------------------------------------------------------
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