permits and licenses: 3-177 import/export
Robert Kriegel
kriegelr at
Fri Feb 16 16:52:51 EST 2001
The USFWS import/export form that Eric Metzler was referring to can be
difficult to find on the Fish & Wildlife web pages. For instance if you
start at and go to their permits page I couldn't find any
mention of it. However, if you do a search on '3-177' you will get a few
hits. The form is available in pdf format from the following link:
And, is available in WordPerfect 5.2 for Windows format from
The various federal laws associated with this permit are listed on the back
of the form. If you are not importing CITIES listed species, the primary
regulations involved are those contained in the Lacey Act. The latest
revision of Lacey Act regulations pertaining to import/export of wildlife
(including insects) was published in the Federal Register on June 21, 1996
as 50 CFR Parts 13 and 14. The full text of these regulations can be found
online at
I'm not posting this information to be a wise guy. This stuff is hard to
track down. I would encourage F&W personnel on the list to tell their
superiors that it is very difficult for someone who doesn't already know
what they are looking for to find this information on their public
information web site.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV. The above
statements reflect my current understanding of the applicable regulations.
If you are importing/exporting insects it is your responsibility to learn
and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Bob Kriegel
Bath, MI
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