permits and licenses: 3-177 import/export
Eric or Pat Metzler
spruance at
Tue Feb 20 10:01:22 EST 2001
Thank you for this valuable information.
Eric Metzler
Columbus OH
"Robert Kriegel" <kriegelr at> wrote in message
news: at
> The USFWS import/export form that Eric Metzler was referring to can be
> difficult to find on the Fish & Wildlife web pages. For instance if you
> start at and go to their permits page I couldn't find any
> mention of it. However, if you do a search on '3-177' you will get a few
> hits. The form is available in pdf format from the following link:
> And, is available in WordPerfect 5.2 for Windows format from
> The various federal laws associated with this permit are listed on the
> of the form. If you are not importing CITIES listed species, the primary
> regulations involved are those contained in the Lacey Act. The latest
> revision of Lacey Act regulations pertaining to import/export of wildlife
> (including insects) was published in the Federal Register on June 21, 1996
> as 50 CFR Parts 13 and 14. The full text of these regulations can be
> online at
> I'm not posting this information to be a wise guy. This stuff is hard to
> track down. I would encourage F&W personnel on the list to tell their
> superiors that it is very difficult for someone who doesn't already know
> what they are looking for to find this information on their public
> information web site.
> DISCLAIMER: I am not a lawyer and I don't play one on TV. The above
> statements reflect my current understanding of the applicable regulations.
> If you are importing/exporting insects it is your responsibility to learn
> and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
> Bob Kriegel
> Bath, MI
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