SEABA Activities
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
hankb at
Sun Feb 18 14:34:35 EST 2001
The next meeting of the SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association will be
held in Tuscon at the Tuscon Botanical Gardens, 2150 N Alvernon Way, at
7:00 PM on Tuesday, Fenbruary 20. Cheri Melton will present "Colorful
Plants for the Butterfly and Hummingbird Garden" just in time for the
local March plant sales.
Our next field trip will be to Catalina State Park on February 24. We
will meet at 8:00 AM at the street end of the parking lot in front of
Trader Joe's on Oracle about a mile north of Ina.
For more information either check our web site (see below) or e-mail us.
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
Carr Canyon, Cochise County, AZ
SouthEast Arizona Butterfly Association
"Butterflies of Arizona - a Photographic Guide"
by Bob Stewart, Priscilla and Hank Brodkin - due August 2001
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