anise swallowtail & purplish copper

Don Benson don.benson at
Sun Feb 18 15:00:00 EST 2001

As part of a habitat enhancement project in Richmond BC, we are planning
to introduce anise swallowtail and purplish copper butterflies to a 14
site.  We will plant larval foodplants for the anise swallowtail and then
caterpillars from Boundary Bay where these butterflies are common and put
them on the larval foodplants.  To introduce the purplish coppers we plan to
capture females and release them in the new site.

We will plant cow parsnip (Heracleum lanatum) and seaside angelica (Angelica
for the anise swallowtail.  Laral foodplants for the purplish coppers are
already present
at the site.  The 14 hecatare site called Terra Nova is located on the west
side of Richmond,
next to the dyke.

We are not very knowledgeable about butterflies and would appreaciate any
or comments that might help us.

Don Benson
don.benson at


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