Educational Butterfly Slide Programs

Randy Emmitt birdcr at
Sun Feb 25 12:34:19 EST 2001

Sorry about sending the photo attachment as I intended on sending just the 
photo link..


At 11:47 AM 2/25/01, Randy Emmitt wrote:
>Since the butterfly season is starting here in the southeastern US I 
>wanted to remind all of you educators and naturalists about my educational 
>butterfly slide programs at 
>you can preview all 4 sets online and request sets for your educational 
>programs. These programs are being utilized in many of the North Carolina 
>State Parks naturalists programs. Also there`s a web quiz on the page to 
>rest your identification skills. So please stop by and have a look.
>  I took my first butterfly photos of a Question Mark, Polygonia 
> interrogationis
>on Feb. 20 and there`s a photo at 
>Also I photographed 2 of the 3 Mourning Cloaks that were patrolling my 
>driveway yesterday, but still have the film in the camera.
>Randy L Emmitt
>Durham, NC
>Nature Photographer focusing on birds, butterflies, dragonflies and 


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