
Kondla, Norbert FOR:EX Norbert.Kondla at
Fri Jan 12 10:36:21 EST 2001

The closest hotspot to where I live is no secret and you can read my
preliminary observations at this website .  I found it a few years ago when I
moved to this part of BC.  Finding it involved using existing government
ecological information and maps to detect the presence of an unusual
ecosystem.  Subsequently I jumped in my truck and started exploring it.  So
one can take a structured and focussed approach. It can be equally effective
to simply cruise the landscape by vehicle and make stops at places that may
support populations of whatever you are looking for.  This may appear to be
hit and miss but it is not since it requires the ability to recognize
differing plant communities and habitat types for sampling to see what
actually flies there as well as knowledge of species habitat needs if you
want to find a particular species.  If maximum species diversity is sought
after; then the normal practice is to spend time in places where habitat
diversity can be sampled on foot.  I understand a website of Canadian
butterfly information will soon be available so that will likely be helpful.
Another tip: never 'write off' a spot on the basis of one visit.  What is
present in terms of species diversity and abundance can vary dramatically
with the time of year and from one year to the next
-----Original Message-----
From: Todd Redhead [mailto:toddredhead at]
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 7:17 AM
To: leps-l at
Subject: Hotspots
Question from a relative newcomer:
Collectors, it seems to me, all seem to have a couple of "hotspots" where
they collect regularly.  A good hotspot might be an area where one can find
some uncommon species with some regularity or maybe where there is a large
diveristy of insects that can be found in sheer numbers.  These hotspots
are, for obvious reasons, often closely guarded secrets.
Here is my question:
How do collectors out there find these places?  Is there a method that is
commonly followed or is it just hit and miss?  How would you suggest a
newbee (me) go about developing his own hotspots?
Thanks from Toronto (about 20 deg F today)
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