Migration strategies
Cris Guppy or Aud Fischer
cguppy at quesnelbc.com
Sat Jan 13 16:28:18 EST 2001
Ron is incorrect that D. plexippus is the only one of the listed species =
with "migration strategies", assuming that all migratory species have =
"migration strategies". And few migrations are well documented.
Most of the species listed I have no experience with. However, In BC Red =
Admirals, California Tortoiseshells and West Coast Ladies migrate in =
from the south each year, with only a couple records of each apparently =
successful overwintering on the south coast of BC (no return migration =
documented). The Painted Lady definitely migrates north to Canada from =
extreme southern USA and Mexico each year (no return migration =
documented). Orange Sulphurs (C. eurytheme) migrate north each year (no =
documented return migration). Mourning Cloaks have a southward migration =
from eastern Canada in the fall (no migration documented in western =
North America), and migration in Europe is well documented.. And there =
are altitudinal migrations (up to high elevations during summer, =
returning to low elevations in the fall) of a wide variety of species. =
There is a very large literature on migration by many species of =
butterflies. I suggest a search using Biological Abstracts (at a =
University), and the library catalogue of a good University.
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Ron Gatrelle=20
To: rbenavid at hotmail.com ; Leps-l=20
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: Migration strategies
Of the species you list, the only one with _migration strategies_ is =
D. plexippus and then not all subspecies.
Don't strain you eyes
in Belieze
to look for trees
of cardui
Ronnie =20
----- Original Message -----=20
From: rudy benavides=20
To: leps-l at lists.yale.edu=20
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 4:52 PM
Subject: Migration strategies
Dear List Members,=20
I would appreciate any information you could give me concerning the =
migration strategies of any of the following butterflies: Red Admiral =
(Vanessa atalanta), Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui), Common Buckeye =
(Junonia coenia), Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis), Eastern =
Comma (Polygonia comma), and any others excluding the Monoarch (Danaus =
plexippus). I'm interested in things like where they overwinter, =
overwintering diapause stage, geographical range (countries), etc. =
Thanks in advance.
Rudy Benavides
Baltimore County, MD
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