Lets get physical

Anne Kilmer viceroy at gate.net
Mon Jan 15 17:54:46 EST 2001

Well, I guess I could set my recumbent bike in the butterfly garden and
pedal along vigorously, but with the payoff basically two butterflies, I
ain't a'gonna.
 I spent a few years working with Community Workers (semi-criminals
doing penance) and setting them a good example was pretty good exercise.
The trick is not to step backwards when too near Phoenix reclinata, for
instance. And we got pretty good at excavating torpedo grass, competing
to see who could get the largest shoot.
This is a grass that can easily penetrate concrete, and has runners that
go for many feet. So carefully dissecting it out of your flower beds is
pretty strenuous.
What we really need is a pedal-powered laptop, so that you have to work
in order to compute. Now there's a motivator.
Anne Kilmer
South Florida
MKJ wrote:
> I have many times thought how the lepidopetologist keeps him or her self
> in good physical condition. Many lepidopterologist I know are not bodybuilders
> and used to sit in side and studying the insects. For years I have created some
> methods to combine the physical exercises and the scientific research and difficult it
> is truly is but not imbossible.
> Here are some good ways to do it...
> The habitatman method. Work for the insects like a timberjack in the forrest. Very good exercise
> and keeps you in perfect shape.
> The orienteering method. Running in the forrest from the habitat to habitat like orienteerer from flag to flag.
> Digger method. Exspecially for moth people. Dig the small graves to ground with spade to form a stable
> light trap.
> Vandering method. Make a huge trip by walking and carring the equipments with you to very far a way located
> biotope.
> All the other good methods are wellcome...
> Best wishes.
> Matti
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