Migration strategies

Clay Taylor CTaylor at worldnet.att.net
Thu Jan 18 18:33:34 EST 2001

All -
    I don't usually comment when the discussion reaches the hair-splitting
stage, but I have always considered "emigration" to be an organism's one-way
journey from it's point of origin (my Mother's parents emigrated from Poland
at the turn of the century and remained in the US), and "migration" to be
that organism's journey away and subsequent return to the point of origin (a
Sharp-shinned Hawk I banded in NY as an immature was captured in the same
location two years later).
    It's been many years since high school Latin, but doesn't "e" added to
the front of a root denote "from" or "away"?
Clay Taylor
Moodus, CT
----- Original Message -----
From: "rudy benavides" <rbenavid at hotmail.com>
To: <fnkwp at aurora.alaska.edu>; <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: Migration strategies
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> >"3. Classes of Migration
> > Introduction
> > Class I - Emigration, without return, usually by relatively short-
> > lived adults
> > Class II - Emigration and return by the same, relatively short-
> > lived individuals within a season
> > Class III - Emigration to hibernation or aestivation sites and
> > return by the same individuals after imaginal diapause"
> >
> >The author then points out that these classes grade into each other, and
> >breaks Class I into 5 subclasses, and Class III into 3 subclasses (the
> >last of which includes the North American Monarch migrations).
> >
> > He also defines 'migration' as synonymous with 'adaptive dispersal',
> >thus short-circuiting the discussion about dispersal as compared to
> >migration.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Kenelm,
> It would be interesting to know how he defines dispersal (by classes
>   I agree with your comments also.  These are not laws or theories, but
> terms to describe phenomena.  As I am learning, authors are going to use
> what they wish.  But I admire the efforts of Johnson and Methuen for their
> attempts at precision.
> As a non-entomologist, I have always associated a directional component
> *migration*.  Whereas dispersal to me can occur anywhere within a 360
> plane.
> Rudy Benavides
> Maryland
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