Against the Odds

Martha Rosett Lutz lutzrun at
Fri Jan 19 11:59:32 EST 2001

Please excuse me, everyone.  Delete this NOW if you don't want a chuckle;
no leps content . . .
Someone wrote:
"the final seconds of the ad had a medium size (Approx. 2 lb.)
large bass  with a lurer large enough for a 500 lb. tune"
 . . . ummm . . . let me guess--that's the kind of lure used to catch the
music known as "heavy metal"???  (Although those 'songs' are not quite what
I would call 'tunes.')
In Stride
(and with a sense of humor and good wishes towards the original author!!),
Non-fisherman Martha Rosett Lutz, who once caught a tiny sand shark off
Cape Cod and threw it back into the water (still alive).
That was the only fish I ever caught.  I've caught many silverfish, though;
does that count?
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