the extremists

Stanley A. Gorodenski stanlep at
Wed Jan 24 23:05:18 EST 2001

> This is the Wrong List to discuss population control.
I completely disagree.  I was not talking about population control in
and of itself.  If I had, it *would* be inappropriate to discuss it on
this list.  As Chris Durden correctly pointed out "... it is the
appropriate place to remind and be reminded of the primary cause of
habitat loss - if we are to discuss habitat loss at all".
Not recognizing the impact ever increasing human biomass is having and
will have on the environment, habitat, species diversity, and global
climate, (which are all dependent on population size) is not seeing the
whole problem, and will result in the wrong solutions.  I believe
creating draconian regulations and setting aside preserves, but at the
same time doing nothing about over population, give a *false* sense of
having accomplished something of value to save the environment.  They
will fail in the long run. If one believes that draconian regulations
and preserves solve the problem, then naturally one would ignore and
not want to discuss (and do something about) the long range impact of
overpopulation on habitat.
I'm a collector (a casual one, but I do like getting out and swinging
the net once in awhile), but it appears that conservationists and
environmentalists are not taking steps to address the problem of
overpopulation, and instead prefer to impose regulations against
activities I enjoyed as a kid.  Having said this, I do believe in
protecting species that are endangered.
Now I have stuck my neck out.  I eagerly await being lambasted by those
who disagree.
Niel, I do not understand the distinction between over population and
*per capita etc.* (I can't recall the exact wording).  Could you explain
this?  I recall recently on this list reading a message from someone who
lives in England lamenting on how he has to really hunt for species that
used to be common in prior generations.  This looks like the result of
over population to me.
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