the extremists and viruses

Jim Taylor 1_iron at
Fri Jan 26 17:03:48 EST 2001

When I was born the population of the United States was < 120 million; it is
now 280 million+. Remember Archie Bunker? He promised that when there were
too many of us, "God in his infinite mercy would send war, pestilence, and
disease" to remedy the situation.
Jim Taylor
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Walker" <MWalker at>
To: <Norbert.Kondla at>
Cc: <leps-l at>
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 1:00 PM
Subject: RE: the extremists and viruses
> Norbert wrote:
> > Glad I live in an era and place where I still have ample
> > biodiversity to
> > enjoy; sad that I did not live fifty years earlier in a time
> > before the
> > intolerant extremists started harassing lepidopterists
> > bearing nets :-)
> Yep.  Me too (although that five-oh is rapidly approaching...)
> Mark Walker
> being rained on (hallelujah) in Oceanside, CA
> ps:  Good thing I didn't access email over the last few days.  My
> Computing Resource Group spent that time disinfecting our Outlook email
> server from the virus(es) sent from LEPS-L.  Looks like the list has
> infamous - at least in Cambridge, MA.  Of course, no can figure out what a
> LEPSL is.  Must have something to do with child pornography or
> >
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