A thief among us

monarchsforever monarchsforever at msn.com
Sat Jan 27 11:55:50 EST 2001

attempting to purchase butterflies and beetles using my name (David =
Bohlken) and company name Monarchs Forever on credit. They are =
attempting to have the insects delivered to a Florida address and are =
targeting small suppliers outside the US. They are using the email =
address insectforever at yahoo.com with the address=20
8205 SW 152ND AVE, Suite #316
Miami, FL 33193-4077 USA
(305) 408-7931
Fax: (305) 386-1106
If you have been contacted by this person or have any knowledge of this =
please contact me and US Fish & Wildlife Enforcement Division Inspector =
Mike Merida 773-894-2910 ext. 113 Thank you=20
David Bohlken
1137 Lincoln Ave
St Paul MN 55105
fax 651-224-9353
email monarchsforever at msn.com
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