Fw: Powers That Be (try two)

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Sat Jan 27 03:11:24 EST 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Gatrelle" <gatrelle at tils-ttr.org>
To: "Leps-l" <Leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2001 2:51 AM
Subject: Re: Powers That Be
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Felix Sperling" <Felix.Sperling at ualberta.ca>
> To: "Leps-l" <Leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
> Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 8:45 PM
> Subject: Re: Papilio joanae
> > Well, I'm glad to see that systematics is getting some serious
> > discussion, and Papilio systematics at that.
> >
> > My name was mentioned by Ron Gatrelle a couple of days ago in the
> > context of Papilio name changes, while Norbert Kondla and Mark Walker
> > followed it up with intimations about the dark motives and jealously/
> > arrogance/ unresponsiveness of the "Powers That Be" ...
> From Ron,
>     Actually, I'm the person who first injected the phrase
> Afterward, I had started another post elucidating on this phrase because
> could be taken to mean almost anything is the ears of so varried an
> audience.  After several paragraphs I just deleted it and decided it was
> wiser to pass on my conspiricy theories. Felix's post prompts me to
> the Powers I was specking of.
>     I'm a throwback to the Military-Industrial Complex villain
> I still believe "they" are running the World's show. And it would takes
> dozens of pages to state how and why I see this Complex's  efforts to
> down the environmental movement. Thus, my use of "The Powers" has
> absolutely nothing to do academia, Ph.D's, whose rear is being kicked or
> kissed, jealously, arrogance, or unresponsiveness. It does have to do
> who or what is motivating (controlling) some elements of the scientific
> community (e.g. big tobacco's Dr.'s and scientists).
>     Big government, big business, or big religion - I care for none of
> Power corrupts and absolute power still corrupts absolutely. I'll quit
> here.
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