Overpopulation v. Willful Stupidity
Anne Kilmer
viceroy at gate.net
Sun Jan 28 19:06:29 EST 2001
True. I picked up my little malady at the zoo, where the soil and water
are impregnated with antibiotic resistant junk because the animals are
continually medicated. Because their life sucks, so they need to be
drugged so they can bear it.
There is a lot of this going around ...
I'll admit I oversimplified. It's a serious can of worms ... and I don't
mean butterfly larvae.
But you can't fight all the fights. you've got to pick one you can
handle, and focus on it.
Which is why I am not marching on Washington waving my pitchfork and
demanding that Gail Norton be removed.
Anne Kilmer
"Stanley A. Gorodenski" wrote:
> Anne Kilmer wrote:
> >
> > Then there's the antibiotic resistant stuff we're getting back, from
> > countries which sell the antibiotics in the drugstores to anyone that
> > wants it.
> This is not the only source of the problem of resistent bacteria. In
> 1996 the FDA approved the use of fluoroquinolines in chickens and
> turkeys, even though there was strong opposition from the Center for
> Disease Control. Subsequently, fluoroquinoline resistance quickly
> appeared in Campylobacter isolated from chickens, and by 1999 17.6% of
> C. jejuni and 30% of C. coli isolated from human patients showed
> fluoroquinoline resistance. Based on this kind of evidence, the FDA's
> Center for Veterinary Medicine proposed on October 31st last year to
> withdraw the approval of fluoroquinolines for animal use. Bayer
> Corporation is not agreement with this, and is in court to continue its
> marketing practice.
> Stan
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