One summer of butterfly collecting (by spare time) in James Bay, Qc, Ca
Yan Boulanger
yanb at
Sun Jan 28 23:40:46 EST 2001
Last summer, I had the chance to travel to James Bay, (specially near
Radisson (LG2)) Qc, Ca to work for one of my teacher, which is at The
Université du Québec à Rimouski. By the way, I brought my butterfly net,
hoping that I would have some time to collect butterflies of that northern
area of Québec. So, I visited bogs, fens and others habitats of the taiga
which contains a lot of Black Spruce and Jack Pine with lichens. I went to
Chisasibi twice (Fort-Georges in past) which is on the coast of the James
Bay. In that place, there is some marshes and coastal toundra where I
found some very interesting species of butterflies. These are listed
bellow :
Near Radisson
- Erynnis icelus
- Pyrgus centaureae freija
- Carterocephalus palaemon mandan
- Hesperia comma borealis
- Papilio machaon hudsonianus (only the 4th specimen captured in Quebec)
- Papilio canadensis
- Colias interior
- Colias pelidne
- Lycaena epixanthe michiganensis
- Lycaena dorcas
- Callophrys augustinus
- Callophrys eryphon
- Celastrina ladon "ensemble lucia"
- Lycaeides idas scudderii
- Polygonia sp. (probably faunus, didn't catch it...)
- Nymphalis antiopa
- Vanessa atalanta rubria
- Speyeria atlantis
- Boloria eunomia triclaris
- Boloria freija
- Boloria chariclea grandis
- Phyciodes cocyta
- Limenitis arthemis
- Coenonympha tullia inornata
- Erebia mancinus
- Oeneis chrysux calais
- Oeneis jutta ascerta
Near Chisasibi
(July 16th)
- Colias interior (or pelidne)
- Pieris oleracea frigida
- Glaucopsyche lygdamus couperi
- Agriades glandon franklinii
- Hesperia comma borealis
- Oeneis melissa
(August 10th)
- Boloria chariclea grandis
- Coenonympha tullia inornata
To have more informations about the specimens that I caught that summer,
please reply.
Yan Boulanger
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