Paul Cherubini monarch at saber.net
Thu Jul 5 01:28:58 EDT 2001

Paul Cherubini wrote:

>> "Environmentalist organizations typically portray all insecticides as
>> very dangerous.  Their agenda is to instill fear and worry."

Mike Quinn responded:

> One could just as easily claim that pesticide salesmen want only prey upon
> people's arthropod phobias...
> In reality, most governments, NGO's, schools and homeowners 
> naturally want to reduce biocide usage for both cost and for
> personal and environmental health reasons.

Mike, this thread was about NABA's opposition to the aerial spraying
for mosquitoes over New York City.  Government public health officials ordered
this spraying and viewed its risks as "negligible".
By contrast,  NABA's website describes the risks of spraying
in the following very worrisome way:

"devastating to butterflies and other non-target species, and
 frightening and potentially harmful to many humans". 

Likewise NABA is agressively opposed to all commercial butterfly releases.
Federal and State agriculture departments, on the other hand, view the risks 
associated with the release of 9 common, widespread and migratory species as 
"negligible". By contrast, NABA's website describes the risk of release 
in the following very worrisome way:

"Releasing commercially-raised butterflies into the environment 
is an act of anti-environmental terror."

Paul Cherubini, Placerville, Calif.

P.S. Two days ago I saw the following 4 butterfly species using my
home lawn (in a residential subdivision) as a nectaring habitat:



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