July 2001 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Jul 1 00:44:39 EDT 2001
Ending: Tue Jul 31 23:06:35 EDT 2001
Messages: 435
- Butterflies and Weather
Dameron, Wanda
- Butterflies and Weather and counts
Michael Gochfeld
- binoculars
sebrez at webtv.net
- Question - what stimulates larva to pupate?
- nightstreaks
- binoculars
Clay Taylor
- binoculars
Clay Taylor
- binoculars
Clay Taylor
- Butterflies and Weather and counts
Clay Taylor
- binoculars
Barb Beck
- Clay/Binoculars
Joel Lyons
- Rearing P. canadensis
- Fw: Re: Butterflies and Weather
mbpi at juno.com
- Butterflies and weather
Ron Gatrelle
- Fw: Re: Butterflies and Weather
Stanley A. Gorodenski
- Help with Identification
Bernie Farrell
- red admiral mercy (nettles) kill
William Oehlke
- Butterflies and weather
Michael Gochfeld
- Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
Michael Gochfeld
- Monitoring Scheme
Michael Gochfeld
- What to blame
Michael Gochfeld
- Get BIOLOGY news FREE every week.
Nicolai Jorgensen
- What to blame
Ron Gatrelle
- what to blame
Ron Gatrelle
- Are Butterflies Moths?
Anne Kilmer
- Question - what stimulates larva to pupate?
Mark Youles
- Mystery (to me at least) moth identification
Andre at KTEI.net
- Sorry I forgot the picture... Mystery (to me at least) moth identification
Andre at KTEI.net
- Attachment picture the other may have been too large: Mystery (to me at least) moth identification
Andre at KTEI.net
- Attachment picture the other may have been too large: Mystery (to me at least) moth identification
Thomas Eichlin
- killing butterflies for fun???
Neil Jones
- Question - what stimulates larva to pupate?
- Bfly Egg Question
- No subject
Bruce Webb
- Butterflies and weather
Stanley A. Gorodenski
- Question - what stimulates larva to pupate?
- Bfly Reproduction
- Question - what stimulates larva to pupate?
Ron Gatrelle
- Question - what stimulates larva to pupate?
Mark Youles
- Moth I.D.
Charles Montague
- Mullein moth
- Arizona Admiral
Monarchrst at aol.com
- one way street
Ron Gatrelle
- one way street
Joel Lyons
- US standardized name reference
Dameron, Wanda
- Question - what stimulates larva to pupate?
- Question - what stimulates larva to pupate?
Bill Cornelius
Mike Quinn
- test1 only
Stanley A. Gorodenski
- test2 only
Stanley A. Gorodenski
- test3 only
Stanley A. Gorodenski
- US standardized name reference
Ron Gatrelle
Paul Cherubini
- US standardized name reference
Anne Kilmer
- US standardized name reference
Ron Gatrelle
- Antillean Noctuids
Pierre Zagatti
- US standardized name reference
- FW: US standardized name reference
Grkovich, Alex
- one way street
Grkovich, Alex
- killing butterflies for fun???
Neil Jones
- Can anyone tell me what this is?
piXelman at work
- Great year for Catocala
Leptraps at aol.com
- Moth I.D.
Chris J. Durden
- one way street
Chris J. Durden
- subscribe
Charles V. Covell
- I'm baaaaaack!
Charles V. Covell
- killing butterflies for fun???
Neil Jones
- Can anyone tell me what this is?
piXelman at work
- Can anyone tell me what this is?
Doug Yanega
- US standardized name reference
Stanley A. Gorodenski
- Fw: East Haddam, CT Summer Butterfly Count, 7/04
Clay Taylor
- East Haddam, CT SBC, 7/04
Clay Taylor
- asterius or asterias?
- Photographic Images of Nun Moth
Humphreys, Nick
- terminology: Was US standardized name reference
Kevin J Caley
- terminology: LBJs and BFTs
Nick Greatorex-Davies
- Field Guide to Moths
Charles V. Covell
- terminology: LBJs and BFTs
- terminology: LBJs and BFTs
Kelly Richers
- Nature Potpourri...A different kind of newsletter
Bob Parcelles,Jr.
- terminology: LBJs and BFTs
Mark Walker
AMALACHITE at aol.com
- WV and VA leps 7-4, 7-5
Randy Emmitt
André Verboven
- unsubscribe LEPS-L
David Brostoff
- From Italy
Fabio Vitale
- Moth Identification Field Guide
Fred Myers
- Moth Identification Field Guide
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- Moth Identification Field Guide
Jeff Crolla/Martha Hancock
- Hainan Leps. / Prout
- Moth book for eastern Canada
Ron Gatrelle
- Moth book for eastern Canada
Grkovich, Alex
- Catocala
- ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? !!
E-Xpress Compu
- Good light
cmbb at sk.sympatico.ca
- Housing Inspection Foundation 2001 National Conference Nov. 4-7 in Las Vegas, NV
Housing Inspection Foundation
- mv light question
- Good light
Michael Gochfeld
- mv light question
Leptraps at aol.com
- unsubscribe LEPS-L
David Brostoff
- correct names
Ron Gatrelle
- Fwd: Re: correct names
Chris J. Durden
- unsubscribe LEPS-L
André Verboven
- names 2
Ron Gatrelle
- Good light
sebrez at webtv.net
- correct names
Michael Gochfeld
- correct names
Clay Taylor
- Colotis daira
Andrew Torry
- Moth book for eastern Canada
David Webster
- correct names
Michael Gochfeld
- Good light
Eric or Pat Metzler
- correct names
Chris J. Durden
- Western Oregon Field Report
Richard Worth
- Moth book for eastern Canada
Ron Gatrelle
- correct names
Ron Gatrelle
- Unknown
- Western Oregon Field Report
Ron Gatrelle
- correct + coras/peckius
Ron Gatrelle
- ID request
- ID request
Walter Schön
- ID request
Richard Worth
- The Name Game
bill and Dale
- ID request
- Lepidoptera Lexicography vs. Lepidoptera Lasciviousness
mbpi at juno.com
- Lepidoptera Lasciviousness
Michael Gochfeld
Wingsofgra at aol.com
- ID request
Martin Livemore
- Unsubscribing
Niklas Wahlberg
- ???
sebrez at webtv.net
- Hawk Moth Images
Thomas, Tony
- Butterflies of New Jersey
Michael Gochfeld
- correct + coras/peckius
Clay Taylor
- And what is in a name?
cmbb at sk.sympatico.ca
- correct + coras/peckius
Michael Gochfeld
- 10th Vischer Ferry 4JC (Albany NY)
Michael Gochfeld
- And what is in a name?
Patrick Foley
- Nectar sources on the Vischer Ferry Cout
Michael Gochfeld
- An afterthought on Canada Thistle
Michael Gochfeld
- Mercury Vapor off a car
- diagnosis but no prognosis
Ron Gatrelle
- Lepidoptera Lexicography vs. Lepidoptera Lasciviousness
Richard Worth
- Mercury Vapor off a car
- ???
Chris Conlan
- Flutterbys and Fireflies - 7/10
Mark Walker
- Problema
herschel.raney at conwaycorp.net
- And what is in a name?
John Shuey
- Problema
John Shuey
- And what is in a name?
Anne Kilmer
- And what is in a name?
cmbb at sk.sympatico.ca
- A Leper?
Leptraps at aol.com
- A Leper?
Kelly Richers
- A Leper?
Tiser, Gene M
- A Leper?
John Shuey
- Problema
herschel.raney at conwaycorp.net
- A Leper?
herschel.raney at conwaycorp.net
- A Leper?
- Problema
Ron Gatrelle
- A Leper?
- A Leper?
Clay Taylor
- Problema
Ron Gatrelle
- A Leper?
Ron Gatrelle
- A Leper?
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- A Leper? armed and dangerous
Clay Taylor
- A Leper?
Leptraps at aol.com
- A Leper?
Leptraps at aol.com
- A Leper? armed and dangerous
Ron Gatrelle
- A Leper?
- A Leper?
Joel Lyons
- A Leper? armed and dangerous
Chris J. Durden
- Mason County, IL 7/12/01
Mark Walker
- Crops found to make great monarch butterfly breeding habitat
Paul Cherubini
- test only - delete
Stanislav Böhm
- Jeff Glassberg radio interview
Robert Dana
- A Leper?
mbpi at juno.com
- A Leper?
Kelly Richers
- Lepers
bill and Dale
- Lepers: Proposal
MexicoDoug at aol.com
- WAS A Leper?
Ron Gatrelle
- WAS A Leper?
Tiser, Gene M
- WAS A Leper?
Ron Gatrelle
- Leaves
Mark Walker
- Leps/Localities circa Eureka, CA
Dale Hoyt
- witches in the SF Bay Area...
James Kruse
- witches in the SF Bay Area...
- witches in the SF Bay Area...
Ernest Mengersen
- Newbie asks: Breeding Butterflies, but where to start?
- A Leper?
Ernest Mengersen
- [Fwd: Garden Canyon Road]
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- Lepers: Proposal
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- MOTH-ers
William Oehlke
- caterpillar sites?
- Lepers: Proposal
Chris J. Durden
- And what is in a name?
Ron Gatrelle
Guy Van de Poel & A. Kalus
- Leaves
sebrez at webtv.net
- The Namings
herschel.raney at conwaycorp.net
- And what is in a name?
cavalconte at mindspring.com
- And what is in a name?
Kenn Kaufman
- And what is in a name?
Ron Gatrelle
- And what is in a name?
cmbb at sk.sympatico.ca
- Fremontodendron leafminer
Lawrence Turner
- And what is in a name?
Kenelm Philip
- And what is in a name? (corrrection)
Kenelm Philip
- Thanks a lot! - Heliconius
- New Lynn Scott Moth Images Address
Basil Halhed
- butterflying in Mexico
MexicoDoug at aol.com
- collecting?
sebrez at webtv.net
- The Code---mutable or not
Michael Gochfeld
- And what is in a name?
Ron Gatrelle
- And what is in a name?
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- collecting?
Paul Cherubini
- 7th Lakehurst, NJ 4JC
Michael Gochfeld
- The Code---mutable or not
mbpi at juno.com
- Everyday usage
Ron Gatrelle
- Overwintering Pachysphinx modesta pupae
Citheronia at aol.com
Grkovich, Alex
- And what is in a name?
Grkovich, Alex
- witches in the SF Bay Area...
- And what is in a name?
Anne Kilmer
- Painted Lady
Clay Taylor
- Painted Lady
Michael Gochfeld
- And what is in a name?
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- European Beatles
D Marven
- Painted Lady
Joel Lyons
- And what is in a name?
Stanley A. Gorodenski
- WAS A Leper?
ron.gatrelle at thunderstar.net
- AUJBC 20th Year
Chris J. Durden
- And what is in a name?
Anne Kilmer
- NJ Salt marsh July 16, 2001
Michael Gochfeld
- Monarchs are here!
spm23 at cornell.edu
- Monarchs are here!
Grkovich, Alex
- Red Admiral Chrysalis in closed up leaf?
Randy Emmitt
- Any books solely on Saturniidae?
- ***I can supply Papilio krishna , syfanius , bootes ......***
Use-Author-Address-Header at [127.1]
- Painted Lady
Ron Gatrelle
- Any books solely on Saturniidae?
- Mercury Vapor off a car
Andrew Torry
- Saturniidae resource
William Oehlke
- Moth Cocoon query
Colin Jacobs
- Autographa californica
James E. Maruniak
- Southwest Wings Birding and Nature Festival
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- Painted Lady
sebrez at webtv.net
- Rhopalocerology
Stanislav K. Korb
- veronius or veronicus
Guy Van de Poel & A. Kalus
- Any books solely on Saturniidae?
Eric or Pat Metzler
- Painted Ladies
John.Calhoun at SempermedUSA.com
- Island Paradise - 7/16/01
Mark Walker
- drying specimens in humid conditions
Liz Day
- drying specimens in humid conditions
Ron Gatrelle
- drying specimens in humid conditions
Grkovich, Alex
- And what is in a name?
Mark Walker
- And what is in a name?
Kelly Richers
- drying specimens in humid conditions
Mark Walker
- drying specimens in humid conditions
Liz Day
- drying specimens in humid conditions
Ron Gatrelle
- And what is in a name?
Ron Gatrelle
- Stuffed specimens.
Ron Gatrelle
- drying specimens in humid conditions
Chris J. Durden
- drying specimens in humid conditions
Liz Day
- preserving dna
Ron Gatrelle
- dna preservation
Catherine Young
- dna preservation
Ron Gatrelle
- preserving dna
Niklas Wahlberg
- unwanted consumers: drying specimens in humid conditions
Michael Gochfeld
- Vagabond cousins
Michael Gochfeld
- dna preservation
Chris J. Durden
- Dried Specimens
- preserving dna
Gary Anweiler Edmonton Alberta Canada
- Any books solely on Saturniidae?
- Dried Specimens
Ron Gatrelle
- drying specimens in humid conditions
Who? Me?
- Dried Specimens
Who? Me?
- drying specimens in humid conditions
Liz Day
- Dried Specimens
- Dried Specimens
- Satyrium liparops floridensis
Ron Gatrelle
- Recognize this caterpillar? (with link to pic)
John Rehn
- drying specimens in humid conditions
- Dried Specimens
- Dried Specimens
Ron Gatrelle
- drying specimens in humid conditions
Who? Me?
- drying specimens in humid conditions
Who? Me?
- Mid-Winter entomological newsletter from New Zealand
John Grehan
- drying specimens in humid conditions
Anne Kilmer
- Red Admiral and kin
Anne Kilmer
- Recognize this caterpillar? (with link to pic)
- gatekeeper?
Anne Kilmer
- Recognize this caterpillar? (with link to pic)
John Rehn
- SW Arizona observation
Monarchrst at aol.com
- Recognize caterpillar? and interesting larval camouflage
Liz Day
- Recognize this caterpillar? (with link to pic)
Colin Jacobs
- Virus - Warning to those involved with Mission Festival
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- Recognize caterpillar? and interesting larval camouflage
- Need cat. ID
- 2001 NABA Butterfly Count -- Viola,TN
- Recognize caterpillar? and interesting larval camouflage
David Smith
- preserving dna
Catherine Young
- Recognize caterpillar? and interesting larval camouflage
Liz Day
- Not a gatekeeper
Anne Kilmer
- A Leper?
Pierre A Plauzoles
- Help! Butterfly I.D.
- Yosemite
Bob Thomas
- checklist
sebrez at webtv.net
- 24hr customer support 15533
support277 at sicovam.com
- Lepidoptera Images (>1000 species)
John D. Oswald
- Rare or Threatened
- Rare or Threatened and relative abundance status
Michael Gochfeld
- AZ Roadtrip - Day One
Mark Walker
- Yosemite
Chuck Vaughn
- Rare or Threatened and relative abundance status
Eric or Pat Metzler
- Lepers: Proposal
Christine Leston
- Serious first, fun second.
Ron Gatrelle
- Serious first, fun second.
Chuck Vaughn
- Yosemite
Paul Cherubini
- Serious first, fun second.
Liz Day
- Mass movement of Kricogonia lyside
Kenn Kaufman
- Rare or Threatened and relative abundance status
Chris J. Durden
- Serious first, fun second.
Chris J. Durden
- Wing Drup
Robert Beiriger
- Yosemite
Bob Thomas
- USGS Butterfly/Moth Sites
Citheronia at aol.com
- Yosemite
Ron Gatrelle
- Irruption of Painted Lady
cmbb at sk.sympatico.ca
- Yosemite
Paul Cherubini
- re, re,Yosemite
Ron Gatrelle
- Serious first, fun second.
Clay Taylor
- Serious first, fun second.
Ron Gatrelle
- Toadstools
Michael Gochfeld
- Erynnis vs Sisters vs Admirals
Michael Gochfeld
- Tasting butterflies?
Niklas Wahlberg
- Serious first, fun second
Robert Kriegel
- collections are in the act of ....
Michael Gochfeld
- Erroneous Information by Experts
mbpi at juno.com
- Tasting butterflies
John Acorn
- Tasting butterflies?
Chris J. Durden
- pradetor larvas
ilan ben yosef
- african monarchs overwintering?
ilan ben yosef
- Tasting butterflies
Ron Gatrelle
- Tasting butterflies
Rudy Benavides
- Tasting butterflies
Rudy Benavides
- Tasting butterflies
Grkovich, Alex
- Rare or Threatened and relative abundance status
Eric or Pat Metzler
- USGS Butterfly/Moth Sites
- Butterflies tasting
- Tasting butterflies
Rudy Benavides
- pradetor larvas
Chris Conlan
- Tasting butterflies?
Dr. Daniel Glaeske
- pronunciations
Ron Gatrelle
- Tasting butterflies?
Who? Me?
- Tasting butterflies?
sebrez at webtv.net
- Eating Leps
mbpi at juno.com
- Eating Leps
John Acorn
- unknown neotropical moth(s)
Matthew Barnes
- unknown neotropical moth(s) - URL correction
Matthew Barnes
- Eating Leps or their host plants could be worse than drinking a little diluted insecticide
Paul Cherubini
- Trinidad info
Neil Jones
- Eating Leps
Ron Gatrelle
- Tasting butterflies?
Bob Parcelles,Jr.
- unknown neotropical moth(s)
Ron Gatrelle
- unknown neotropical moth(s) - URL correction
Ron Gatrelle
- Eating Leps or their host plants could be worse than drinking a little diluted insecticide
Bob Parcelles,Jr.
- pronunciations
- pronunciations
Jane Dillonaire
- Butterflies tasting
- How many butterflies crossed the road?
cmbb at sk.sympatico.ca
- more about latin names
- pronunciations
- pronunciations
Liz Day
- How many butterflies crossed the road?
Patrick Foley
- pronunciations
Eric or Pat Metzler
- more about latin names
Ron Gatrelle
- pronunciations
Liz Day
- pronunciations
Chris J. Durden
- pronunciations
- Butterflies tasting
- pronunciations
spruance at infinet.com
- New Jamaican Moths Website
Matthew Barnes
- Red-spotted Admirals??
HpAzures at aol.com
- Red-spotted Admirals??
Kenn Kaufman
- Tasting butterflies?
- more about latin names
mbpi at juno.com
- pronunciations
Anne Kilmer
- more about latin names
Guy Van de Poel & A. Kalus
- Red-spotted Admirals??
sebrez at webtv.net
- How many butterflies crossed the road?
sebrez at webtv.net
- for SBE.Leps
Who? Me?
- more about latin names
Chris J. Durden
- Unknowns
- Unknowns
Jeff Crolla/Martha Hancock
- Dried Specimens
Leptraps at aol.com
- Dried Specimens
- Red-spotted Admirals??
Grkovich, Alex
- Eating Leps
Grkovich, Alex
- Red-spotted Admirals??
Grkovich, Alex
- Red-spotted Admirals??
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- Red-spotted Admirals??
Clay Taylor
- Fwd: EPA-GMO corn little or no impact on Monarch Butterflies
Richard Worth
- IMAGES from SCIENCE exhibition seeks participants - FYI
- Fwd: EPA-GMO corn little or no impact on Monarch Butterflies
Paul Cherubini
- Check out Article
Bob Parcelles,Jr.
- Red-spotted Admirals??
Ron Gatrelle
- EPA-GMO corn little or no impact on Monarch Butterflies
Ron Gatrelle
- EPA-GMO corn little or no impact on Monarch Butterflies
Paul Cherubini
- EPA-GMO corn little or no impact on Monarch Butterflies
Ron Gatrelle
- Red-spotted Admirals??
Chris J. Durden
- Arizona Moth Results
- ID please... easy one :-)
Eric Gibert
- collections are in the act of ....
Michael Gochfeld
- Allergic and irritant reactions to plants and insects
Michael Gochfeld
- sore eyes
Michael Gochfeld
- Queen in NJ: what should its status be
Michael Gochfeld
- ID please... easy one :-)
Jere Kahanpaa
- ID please... easy one :-)
Nick Greatorex-Davies
- Queen in NJ: what should its status be
Grkovich, Alex
- Allergic and irritant reactions to plants and insects
cmbb at sk.sympatico.ca
- Queen in NJ: what should its status be
HpAzures at aol.com
- Queen in NJ: what should its status be
Michael Gochfeld
- Red-spotted Admirals??
Clay Taylor
- Queen in NJ: what should its status be
Paul Cherubini
- Tasting butterflies
Mark Walker
- collections/records are in the act of ....
Chris J. Durden
- Queen in NJ: what should its status be
Liz Day
- Allergic and irritant reactions to plants and insects
James Kruse
- Queen in NJ: what should its status be
Paul Cherubini
- Tasting butterflies
Rudy Benavides
- chance of encounters
Michael Gochfeld
- Queen in NJ: what should its status be
cmbb at sk.sympatico.ca
- Queen in NJ: what should its status be
mbpi at juno.com
- (Fwd) Re: collections/records are in the act of ....
Chris J. Durden
- Third Portal, AZ, Butterfly Count
Hank & Priscilla Brodkin
- Queen in NJ: what should its status be
Joel Lyons
- pronunciations
Mark Walker
- EPA-GMO corn little or no impact on Monarch Butterflies
Patrick Foley
Last message date:
Tue Jul 31 23:06:35 EDT 2001
Archived on: Mon May 7 01:27:01 EDT 2012
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).