Painted Lady

Clay Taylor CTaylor at
Mon Jul 16 14:27:45 EDT 2001

All -

    I agree with Rick's comments about the lack of Painted Ladys (Ladies?)
in the Northeast in recent years.  My only encounters with V. cardui in the
past three calendar years were individuals in the fall along the Conn.
coastline, which serves as a line of travel for migrant birds , butterflies
and odes.

    However, I did encounter an adult P.L. in early June while leading a
Conn. Butterfly Assoc. field trip, and there have been reports of numerous
larvae found across the state.  In the past few days, a few CT Summer
Butterfly Counts have reported both Ladies - V. virginensis and V. cardui.
I personally saw 4 Painted as well as 15 American on the New London, CT SBC
on July 15, which equaled my entire 1999 and 2000 sightings for Painted

    It looks like we may very well have lots of both Ladies to watch this
summer and fall.

Clay Taylor
Moodus, CT
ctaylor at

----- Original Message -----
From: <LCooper298 at>
To: <LEPSrUS at>
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: Painted Lady

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> Hello all,
> Below is a post I received from Rick Cech, member from NYC commenting on
> number of Painted Ladies being seen in Florida. Anybody else seeing them
> their yards?
> Buck & Linda:  Hi. A thought on your Painted Ladys  For 2-3 years, we have
> had almost no PL's in the northeast. Drought in Mexican staging areas,
> This year, huge influx in western US, staritng now to reflect in our area
> (seeing more Painteds than Americans lately). Florida has few PLs
> historically, and maybe some seen this year are related to releases or
> science proijects, but if you're seeing them now, I'd be more inclined to
> link it to a 2001 continental phenomenon than local releases.  Just a
> thought.  Rick
> Linda and Buck Cooper
> 558 Sunshine Blvd
> Haines City, FL 33844-9540
> 863.439.2704
> LCooper298 at
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