Butterflies and Weather and counts
Michael Gochfeld
gochfeld at eohsi.rutgers.edu
Sun Jul 1 06:11:12 EDT 2001
Clay Taylor wrote (re Moodus CT):
"In the East, we have had pretty favorable weather for leps, so the
year seems to be above average and slightly ahead of schedule (with the
exception of Monarchs - they are few and far between)."
We in New Jersey are apparently not in the same "East" since butterflies
have not been particularly numerous this year (except for the Vanessas,
Red Admiral and American Lady). Even Pierids (Cabbage, sulphurs) have
been low).
Yesterday (June 30) we held the seventh Lakehurst 4jc with essentially
identical coverage as last year. The species count of 42 was the same
as last year but there were fewer than half the number of individuals.
More importantly every observer commented on the dearth of butterflies.
It was a hot, miserable day. We thought the heat may have influenced
activity, but when we checked spots in the afternoon there wasn't much
improvement. Nectar sources, particularly Common Milkweed (A. vulgaris)
were abundant.
We'll see what the other New Jersey counts show.
Mike Gochfeld
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