Rare or Threatened and relative abundance status

Chris J. Durden drdn at mail.utexas.edu
Wed Jul 25 21:58:36 EDT 2001

Is it safe to use "scarce" for a resident species that is infrequently 
found, or does this word also have another definition in legal or 
specialized jargon?
   From now on I shall limit my use of "rare" to "var.s" and "ab.s" like 
the melanic *Speyeria* from BC that was shown us recently.

At 09:17 AM 7/25/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>Dear Vratislav Richard Eugene Maria John Baptist
>Your questions are excellent, and deserve full exploration by us and all
>field bioloists.
>I offer one caveat to Michael Gochfeld's highly informative and very
>accurate answer.  He's absolutely correct about the definitions.  In many
>cases the distinctions drawn by Goldfeld do not exist.  There are two views,
>the academic, and the view practiced in the field.  The views practiced in
>the field, unfortunately, blur the distinctions he offers.


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