Dried Specimens

gwang gwang at mb.sympatico.ca
Sat Jul 21 01:50:29 EDT 2001


Thx all for those insightful comments, I will be sure to keep that in
mind from now on.  I think my main problem is lack of space; otherwise
I'd have no problems keeping the specimens on the pinning boards for a
couple of weeks.


lepidopterists wrote:
>    Xi, your concern that you may be removing your pinned specimens to early
> is very real. I generally leave my smaller bodied insects such as blues,
> coppers, whites, admirals medium sized fritillaries etc on the board for
> about a week and a half, larger bodied insects such as certain types of
> swallowtails and large bodied moths sometimes for as long as one month. This
> may be over doing it but I have never experienced the problem you are
> having. As well you don't mention what type of climate you live in; a
> climate of high humidity will surely add to the time required to dry insects
> sufficiently enough to safely remove them from the spreading board. Remember
> also that insects left on the spreading board for extended periods of time
> become more susceptible to critters such as dermisted beetles.
> Happy collecting,
> Robert Vandermoor


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