
Chuck Vaughn aa6g at aa6g.org
Wed Jul 25 09:08:42 EDT 2001


Are you sure the Lorquin's Admirals were not California Sisters?
I've been to Yosemite lots of times and have never seen Lorquin's
Admirals there but California Sisters are everywhere.

Chuck <aa6g at aa6g.org>


> From: "Bob Thomas" <bthomas at lc3s.com>
> Organization: WebUseNet Corp.  http://corp.webusenet.com - ReInventing the
> UseNet
> Reply-To: bthomas at lc3s.com
> Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 17:49:46 -0700
> To: leps-l at lists.yale.edu
> Subject: Yosemite
> Spent last week in Yosemite National Park and visited Wawona Big Trees for a
> day.  Beautiful weather and outstanding natural landscape!
> Here's the Lep report:
> Western Tiger Swallowtail   8
> Pale Swallowtail                   1
> Lorquin's Admiral                85+
> Monarch                                12
> Leto's Fritillary                        8
> Pine White                            Dozens and dozens
> Here is my Lep identifier question of the week  -  I observed a small brown
> butterfly that cannot be matched with certainty in the fields guides I have.
> It had a wing span of one and a quarter inches.  Rich brown to reddish brown
> FW and HW with a fat hairy brown body.  The underside of the wings were
> lighter brown with a large red spot on the hind wing (Thecla spot on a
> Hairstreak).
> The butterfly was too large to be a female Blue and the underside was wrong
> for a Blue.  Any ideas?
> --
> Bob Thomas
> Cameron Park, California


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