WAS A Leper?

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Fri Jul 13 15:21:14 EDT 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tiser, Gene M" <TiserG at mail01.dnr.state.wi.us>
Subject: RE: WAS A Leper?

> Ron -
> I think you missed one other significant aspect/justification of
> documentation.  That is, surviving subspecies of today will at some point
> become tomorrow's species.  If today's subspecies are not noted or
> the future lepidopterans will lament the loss of evolutionary data and
> insights that could have been gained had these creatures been carefully
> documented and studied.  Can you imagine having data that tracks a
> sub-species through the time it becomes a full fledged species?
> Gene Tiser

Exactly. Actually I did address this between-the-lines in the " (which
evolutionally, is what all lepidopteran organic units are) " statement. I
am glad you brought it out as it is an extremely important point.  I am
going to attach a little piece I wrote some time ago titled: Taxonomic
Philosophy.  This is copyrighted material. It is very short and I see no
problem attaching it to this leps-l post. It is just text no graphics etc.
It is in pdf (Adobe) format.


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