more about latin names

gwang gwang at
Fri Jul 27 18:22:34 EDT 2001

And while on the subject of latin names, I also remember my latin
teacher saying that there was no letter j in the latin alphabet, and yet
j's are pretty prevalent amongst latin names for leps.  Ex: Charaxes
jasius (Large Blue Charaxes), Junonia villida (Meadow Argus), Jamides
alecto (Metallic Cerulean), Dione juno (Scarce Silver-spotted Flambeau),
Janomima westwoodi (Inquisitive Monkey (where do they come up with
these?)), et cetera.  So, what's the deal here?  How can they have all
these j's in the latin names if j was never a part of the latin
Furthermore, the letter w in classical latin is pronounced like a v. 
So, westwoodi would be pronounced vestwoodi, but no one seems to
actually say it like that.  Thoughts/comments are welcome.

Xi Wang


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