unknown neotropical moth(s)

Ron Gatrelle gatrelle at tils-ttr.org
Fri Jul 27 16:22:20 EDT 2001

I could not get the URL to work for me. We have some tropical moth links
listed on our TILS web site. I know there is one for Belize for sure. Have
you tried the moths of Belize site?  If not, hit    http://tils-ttr.org
and check the links section -it is pretty comprehensive and also has some
not often found ones.

PS  I think I'll post this to the group too as some may not have checked
out that links section yet. We also post some temporary ones there too. For
example the Montreal Insect Show link is there. It is at the top of
individual butterfly sites section.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthew Barnes" <mothman at belizemail.net>
To: <leps-l at lists.yale.edu>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 2:38 PM
Subject: unknown neotropical moth(s)

> I'm not often completely stumped by a moth nowadays, but these two
> have me mystified.  One is from Jamaica and the other is from Belize -
> if they are not the same species they are certainly closely related.
> They can be seen at http://www.tropicalmoths.org/images7/mysterymoths.jpg
> I'd be grateful for any ideas as to their identity.
> Many thanks
> Matthew Barnes
> mothman at belizemail.net
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