A Leper?

Kelly Richers KeRichers at wasco.k12.ca.us
Fri Jul 13 12:10:37 EDT 2001

Well, many of us odoriforous lepers and mothers (as a vice-princiipal I get called a "Mother" for other reasons also, will be meeting in Corvallis in two weeks.  Hope to see some of you there!

>>> <mbpi at juno.com> 07/13/01 09:05AM >>>
It should be "Odors" as in "Odo"nates (!)  Let's use the correct
olfactory term...

See, we're still arguing about "correct" versus scientific, versus
common, versus nicknames, versus....  Arrgh!!!!

I give up...

M.B. Prondzinski

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001 14:54:33 EDT Leptraps at aol.com writes:
> Wait a minute! Oders and Lepers. Or are you saying the the Oders of 
> Lepers stink?
> Holding my nose to that stench!
> Leroy C. KoehnGeorgetown, KY
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