Butterflies tasting
gwang at mb.sympatico.ca
Thu Jul 26 18:15:56 EDT 2001
As far as I know, the tasting organs for most, if not all, leps is
located on their legs. So, when a female wants to oviposit her eggs on
the correct host plant(s), how does she go about locating them? Can she
also 'smell' the plants with her antennae or something?
Xi Wang
P.S. It has just occured to me that over the years I've heard many
different pronounciations of 'ae'. Some use a long a sound, while
others pronounce it like the i in pile. Is there a correct
pronounciation? I took a latin course several years ago (when I was in
grade 9), and I think people who spoke classical latin used the latter
pronounciation, but that seems not to be the pronounciation of choice
these days. And while on the subject, just how are amateurs like myself
supposed to learn correct/popular pronounciations anyway? I mean, you
see latin names in print all the time, but rarely will you hear it
actually spoken by professionals. Just how is one supposed to pronounce
something that ends in 'ceae'?
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