Colotis daira

Andrew Torry A.P.K.Torry at
Tue Jul 10 10:02:02 EDT 2001

I have recently returned from my holiday in the Almeria province of
Spain. I discovered in a narrow dried out flood channel next to my
apratment complex a thriving colony of the species Colotis daira (The
Black Marked Orange Tip). I have not found any mention of this species
in my books on the lepidoptera of europe except that it is mentioned
in the book 'Field guide to the Butterflies and Burnets of Spain'
Manley & Allcard. They describe it being an infrequent visitor that
may become established. I can tell you that this colony was quite
large numbering several dozen adults (Shhhh! Don't tell 'Guardia
civil' but I did take a small series of token specimens). There was
also several examples of Gegenes nostradamus (Mediterranean Skipper)
buzzing about there as well.

Does anyone in the group know whether this species has indeed
established itself in S. Spain or was it just an example of a large



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