correct names

Michael Gochfeld gochfeld at
Tue Jul 10 08:02:14 EDT 2001

Ron, we've been down the name line often before. A scientific name is NO 
MORE OR LESS correct and certainly no more stable over time than any 
other name which people bestow on what they think they understand as 
what may be a species (or other level taxon). 

The next reviser comes along with a different concept or method and the 
names change.  It's too bad that naming and classification have been 
inextricably linked in the past century.  Maybe the next century (or 
millenium) will see a different approach. Maybe it's the best mere 
mortals can accomplish.

But maybe it's not unique to organisms. Do other names change as 
language evolves.  Not everyone would immediately recognize what an 
"armoir" is. I bet we could think of other "species" of furniture, well 
known in Victorian times (or earlier) for which the names have changed. 

Mike Gochfeld


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