correct names

Chris J. Durden drdn at
Tue Jul 10 12:36:28 EDT 2001

Both *Polites coras* and *Polites peckius* are correct names if you think 
they are not the same species. *Polites coras* is the correct name if you 
think they are both the same species. It is as simple as that.
    What is neither correct nor incorrect is the opinion of conspecificity. 
As a rather ordinary scientific "fact" this is only the opinion of experts 
based on expert evaluation of the evidence at hand today. Tomorrow a new 
study of the DNA in different populations may suggest to experts that there 
are three species in this complex!
    A name is correct only at the moment that an expert renders an opinion. 
Experts can revise their opinions. Several experts may come to different 
opinions. Experts can be obliged to change their opinions by presentation 
of new evidence. They are not obliged to change their opinions by usage, 
precedent or fiat.
...................Chris Durden

At 08:52 AM 7/10/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>All -
>     Ron's missive about scientific names vs. common names is a very logical
>presentation of the theories being the naming systems, but there are still
>some gaping holes in the defense.  When Bill Yule recently inquired about
>the two scientific names (Polites coras vs. Polites peckius) for Peck's
>Skipper (also called Yellow-Patch Skipper by some) , there was a thundering
>silence from the scientific community for over a week.  Finally, the
>question was answered in a roundabout way that concluded, in effect, that
>there was disagreement as to who named the bug the first, and there were
>still disagreements about which was the proper name.
>     Doesn't sound all that much like "the only correct name" to me.
>     I have learned the scientific names for many of the common butterflies
>in my area - it isn't very hard.  However, it usually comes in handy only
>when I read older butterfly literature or happen to be talking to an
>entomologist who, at the moment, can't remember a butterfly's common name.
>It helps to smooth out the flow of information - period.  Let's not turn it
>into an "us against them" mentality.
>Clay Taylor
>Moodus, CT
>ctaylor at


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